Memorial and Honoring gifts are thoughtful expressions of sympathy or recognition of the person remembered or honored.

About Memorials & Honorings

The death of a loved one or close friend can be memorialized through the Society’s Memorial Program. The bereaved family may request that in lieu of flowers, a gift may be made to the Bible Society for a specific purpose, such as general operations. Memorial gifts may also be designated for the Rev. Edwin H. Frey Memorial Fund which uses the income for the distribution of free Bibles to the needy. The family is notified of the gift with the name of the donor.

Gifts honoring a person on special occasions such as graduations, anniversaries, special accomplishments, etc. may also be made to the Society specifying the gift’s use as outlined under the above Memorial Gifts. The honoree is notified of the gift with the name of the donor.


The Robert Ralston Society was established to encourage bequest gifts to help perpetuate the legacy he began two centuries ago.

Robert Ralston was a pioneer in the ministry of Bible distribution when he helped found the Pennsylvania Bible Society in 1808. It is in his memory that the Robert Ralston Society was established to encourage bequest gifts to help perpetuate the legacy he began two centuries ago.

Your bequest will install you as an active member of the Robert Ralston Society, whose members are providing a legacy for Bible distribution for generations to come. Mainly through the income from bequests to the Endowment fund has the Society been able to carry out its mission of Scripture distribution. A bequest to PBS will keep your generosity alive and active in the years to come by assuring a steady flow of Scripture where it is most needed. A bequest by will is a simple matter, one which your lawyer can easily set up.