Welcome to the first Bible Society in the United States of America
The mission of the Pennsylvania Bible Society is to distribute Holy Scripture without note or comment to all who want to hear it, at an affordable price, or free of charge to those unable to pay.
The Pennsylvania Bible Society is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors who serve without compensation. The business affairs of the Society are handled by an Executive Director, a Resource Center Manager, and a Program Coordinator.
Our organization has quite a history! Learn more about how it all started on our History page!

Located at: 701 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Pew Bibles
We carry 20 different Bible translations in English and 7 different Bible translations in Spanish. These come in an assortment of bindings and covers. If your church is looking for pew Bibles, call our Resource Center for additional information.
Outreach Ministries
PBS works closely with many outreach ministries to provide low-cost Bibles or New Testaments for prison ministries, shelters, street ministries, etc.
Other Languages
The Resource Center stocks Bibles and/or New Testaments in over 70 languages. If you need a language we do not stock, we will try to find it for you.
Currently the Resource Center is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
SATURDAYS 2024 The Resource Center will be open every Saturday 10:30 – 2:30

Income from the Rev. Edwin H. Frey Memorial Fund is used to provide free Bibles to those who cannot afford to buy one.
Grants are made to various activities such as children’s summer camp and after-school programs, prisons, ESL training programs, senior housing, assisted living and hospice care centers, disaster recovery assistance, inner-city and emerging ministries.
Requests for more information on applying for a grant or making a donation to the grants program should be directed to:
Pennsylvania Bible Society
Grants Program
701 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106